Wood Flooring
Custom Woodwork
How to find us
About Us

             Custom Cabinetry


            Fine Craftsmanship
Are you thinking about remodeling?
Maybe building a home?
Not many people realize how much
thought goes into the finishing
touches of a project like that.
We do and we are very good at it.     
We take pride in our
work and that shows
before, during and
after the job begins.   
The role that we play in the
construction project is crutial
from start to finish.  In some
cases the home is actually
designed around the cabinet work!
This is why we work along side the
contractors, electricians, plumbers,
painters, tile specialists, almost all
the sub-contractors!

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.

                                             Lost Creek Cabinets and Mill
Email: guslindblom@silverstar.com
Office: 307-883-1818
Cell:    307-248-2139
Fax:    307-883-1819
P.O. Box 295
100 Commercial Park Lane
Thayne, WY 83127